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Brustro Artists Acrylic Colour Sets

Brustro Artists Acrylic Colour Sets

PriceFrom ₹282.15
  • Each acrylic paint tube is filled with good quality richly pigmented coloring paints. Our acrylic colour product can be used by any artists with non-toxic and long-lasting. These acrylic paint tubes is made from highly pigmented and quality materials that give you the pigmented, smooth mixability and most vibrant colours.Fits for most paintable surfaces.
  • Brustro acrylics are colours that can be used to paint on all conventional art surfaces such as paper, cardboard, canvasses etc.
  • These soft bodied colours can be used straight from the tube as they wet easily on to the surface or they can be thinned with water.
  • All the colours are inter-mixable giving endless colour possibilities. Contains Titanium White , Lemon Yellow , Cad. Yellow Deep Hue , Alizarin Crimson, Cad. Red Hue , Cobalt Blue, Prussian Blue, Sap Green, Viridian, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre And Ivory Black.

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